Thursday 7 March 2013

Got an iPad !!

I got an iPad for authoring class!!!Ahaha.. Actually the faculty lent an iPad for 1 month and a half to learn Adobe Flash Player... Hikhikhik... *teruja .. Wahhhh.. It seems that my first semester of master class are so much fun and interesting.. I never thought that i would got an iPad for learning.. Thank you UTM tersayang.. :) .. I hope we will get to learn more using variety learning tools that can enhance our learning in efficient way..  Hmmm .. I love to learn about authoring system  since i'm not much fans of programming system.. I rather learn how the authoring software really works and master it.. InshaaAllah :) It requires more times and effort to be expert in using certain software like Adobe Flash Player, Dreamweaver, etc. Tee hee.. So, with this apps about Adobe Flash Player that have been installed in this iPad, i can learn about it anytime and anywhere. Such a very convenient and efficient way to learn.. #iPad#Learn#Happy 

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