Sunday, 14 April 2013

Motion Guide

I created the ant animation walking through the tunnel using motion guide in Flash CS3. Let's take a look at my so 'cute' lil ant walking ' tekedek-kedek' in the tunnel in the Flash Video below.

Here's the steps to do motion guide in Flash CS3.

1. Insert Layer 1 and name it background and Insert Keyframe at Frame 1. Draw the tunnel like in the video using Line Tool.
2. Insert Layer 2 and name it ant and Insert Keyframe at Frame 1. Draw ant using Oval Tool and Pencil Tool. Select the ant and convert it to Movie Clip symbol . ( Modify>>Convert to Symbol>>Movie Clip)

3. In Layer 1 and 2 go to Frame 50 and insert keyframe. 

Layer 2
4. Add a motion guide layer. The layer 2 (ant) has instantly become linked to this layer, become the guided layer.

5. Select the Pencil tool . In the Tools panel, go to the end of it and choose the Smooth option for drawing with your pencil.

6.Click and start dragging with the Pencil tool to draw a guide follow the tunnel.

 7. In layer 2, use the selection tool to move the movie clip. Just click and drag it to new position. Go in between Frame 1 and 50. You can insert keyframe in the frame between Frame 1 and Frame 50 wherever you like and move the ant to new position to make it look more realistic.

8. Test your movie.. Ctrl+ Ent

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