Sunday 14 April 2013

Shape Tween

Alright, now i'm gonna provide steps in creating shape tween like my flash animation video below :

It's easy to create shape tween using Flash CS3.

1. Insert Frame 1 and insert Keyframe. Type word 'Flash' using Text Tool in stage. Select the word Flash and break apart it. (Modify>>Break Apart). And select again and break apart it again. (Modify>>Break Apart). Convert it to graphic symbol (Modify>>Convert to symbol>>Graphic).

2. Go to Frame 25 and insert Keyframe. Draw star shape using Polystar Tool in stage and convert to graphic symbol (Modify>>Convert to symbol>>Graphic).

3. Go to one frame in between Frame 1 and Frame 25 and right click choose motion tween.

4. Test your movie using Ctrl + Ent

This is my link to .swf file.


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